

1st place

6558 points



Challenge Category Value Time
Mimirev Reverse 492
Flattened Vyper Reverse 497
Compress Pwn 500
Mafia at the end 2 Misc 479
Dura Lesc Sed Lesc Misc 500
Einstein Pwn 494
Vending Machine Crypto 499
C4 License Reverse 468
Missing Cells Misc 472
Hack the bot 1 Web 489
My BetterZED Crypto 439
Holy cow revenge Pwn 498
Mafia at the end 1 Misc 86
Back to the past Reverse 220
Square Power Crypto 50
ProfileEditor Web 50
GOT Pwn 50
Easy Diffy Crypto 50
My Zed Crypto 175
RTFM : Infrastructure Welcome 50